Rachel Middlewick Rachel Middlewick

A winning pitch team

Love em or hate em, pitches are unavoidable in Agency life.

Coming out of a three-month long pitch tunnel, I reflected on how I set myself up for success.

Here I share six key elements which help build a positive narrative arc for the team tasked with the response....

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commercial strategy, sales Rachel Middlewick commercial strategy, sales Rachel Middlewick

Empathy Drives Revenue. Why you need to Humanise your Sales & Marketing for Results…

In a landscape where only 27% of salespeople hit their targets last year and are increasingly involved in meetings, both virtual and in-person, and where marketeers are striving to cut through the noise with multi-channel messaging, it's clear that the way we work together needs to evolve.

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Rachel Middlewick Rachel Middlewick

Quick 6-point strategic framework

Conducting a regular validation exercise for your day-to-day operations provides a great base for annual planning. Here is a 6-point plan to get you started.

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